La fundación alemana Friedrich Ebert Stifung cuenta con el proyecto "Diálogo sobre la globalización" (Dialogue on Globalization) en donde se publican documentos periódicos sobre problemas y dilemas mundiales en el nuevo contexto de economía mundial. Destacamos en este post la biblioteca de escritos de dicho Instituto en temas relacionados con el hambre en el mundo, la paz, el comercio justo, la reforma de las instituciones globales entre otros tópicos. Aquí puede encontrar la lista de publicaciones de la Biblioteca digital de la fundación, documentos que se pueden descargar en Pdf:
- A new era of world hunger? (James A. Paul - Katarina Walberg)
- Viet Nam, human rights and trade : implications of Viet Nam's accession to the WTO / David Kinley & Hai Nguyen. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2008. - 43 S. = 1,2 MB PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 39 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2008
ISBN 978-3-89892-909-7
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
- An agenda for reform of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) / Jack Boorman. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2008. - 31 S. = 400 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 38 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: New York ; Bonn : FES, 2008
ISBN 978-3-89892-854-0
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Fighting drugs and building peace : towards policy coherence between counter-narcotics and peace building / Barnett R. Rubin ; Alexandra Guáqueta. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2007. - 27 S. = 430 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 37 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: New York ; Bonn : FES, 2007
ISBN 978-3-89892-8
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Reconciliation and development / Karen Brounéus. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007. - 19 S. = 360 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 36 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007. - Title only available online
ISBN 978-3-89892-697-3
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Gender justice and reconciliation / Nahla Valji. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007. - 23 S. = 380 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 35 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007. - Title only available online
ISBN 978-3-89892-683-6
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Moving beyond the privatization debate : different approaches to financing water and electrocity in developing countries / Daniel Platz und Frank Schroeder. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007. - 47 S. = 505 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 34 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007
ISBN 978-3-89892-751-2 - ISBN 978-3-89892-751-2
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Building the new Human Rights Council : outcome and analysis of the institution-building year / Meghna Abraham. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2007. - 47 S. = 474 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 33 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Genf ; Bonn : FES, 2007
ISBN 978-3-89892-750-5
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[Building the new Human Rights Council : outcome and analysis of the institution-building year / Meghna Abraham]. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], [2008]. - 30 S. = 474 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 33 : Occasional papers - Geneva [)
In arab. language. - Electronic ed.: Genf ; Bonn : FES, 2008. - Title only available online
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Rethinking the trading system / Aileen Kwa. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2007. - 62 S. = 490 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 32 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Genf ; Bonn : FES, 2007
ISBN 978-3-89892-680-5
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Growth with responsibility in a globalized world : findings of the Shadow G-8 / Joseph E. Stiglitz ; Stephany Griffith-Jones. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2007. - 31 S. = 422 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 31 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007
ISBN 978-3-89892-695-9
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Beyond the divide : the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the World Trade Organization / Robert Howse and Ruti G. Teitel. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2007. - 31 S. = 450 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 30 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007
ISBN 978-3-89892-662-1
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Multistakeholder partnerships : future models of multilateralism? / Jens Martens. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2007. - 71 [78] S. = 590 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 29 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007. - Online version contains appendices, that are only online available
ISBN 3-89892-601-X - ISBN 978-3-89892-601-0
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
A priority agenda for the next UN secretary-general / Thomas G. Weiss and Peter J. Hoffman. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2006. - 31 S. = 890 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 28 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2007
ISBN 3-89892-600-1 - ISBN 978-3-89892-600-3
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
[A priority agenda for the next UN secretary-general / Thomas G. Weiss and Peter J. Hoffman. Übers.: FES Korea Cooperation Office. - Seoul], 2007. - 31 S. = 1,2 MB PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 28 : Occasional papers - New York)
Einheitssacht.: A priority agenda for the next UN secretary-general
In Korean language. - Electronic ed. : Seoul ; Bonn : FES, 2007
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Time for a change : Germany's bilateral investment treaty programme and development policy / Mahnaz Malik. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006. - 47 S. = 492 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 27 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2006
ISBN 3-89892-577-3 - ISBN 978-3-89892-577-8
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
South Africa's bilateral investment treaties : implications for development and human rights / Luke Eric Peterson. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006. - 43 S. = 1,2 MB PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 26 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2006
ISBN 3-89892-576-5 - ISBN 978-3-89892-576-1
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
"Bound to cooperate?" : Sicherheit und regionale Kooperation / Jochen Steinhilber. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006. - 427 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 25 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2006. - Title only available online
ISBN 3-89892-551-X - ISBN 978-3-80892-551-8
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
"Bound to cooperate?" : Security and regional cooperation / Jochen Steinhilber. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006. - 441 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 25,E : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2006. - Title only available online
ISBN 3-89892-552-8 - ISBN 978-3-80892-552-5
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
China : a new actor in the Middle East and North Africa Region / Jochen Steinhilber. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006. - 23 S. = 365 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 24 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2006. - Title only available online
ISBN 3-89892-546-3
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The right to development - where do we stand? : State of debate on the right to development / Felix Kirchmeier. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006. - 27 S. = 370 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 23 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2006
ISBN 3-89892-528-5
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
UN norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations / Theodor Rathgeber. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2006. - 27 S. = 2,5 MB PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 22 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2006
ISBN 3-89892-494-7
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Global democracy in the nexus of governments, parliaments, parties and civil society / Christoph Zöpel. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2005. - 31 S. = 435 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 21 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2005
ISBN 3-89892-410-6
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The UN norms on corporate human rights responsibilities : an innovating instrument to strengthen business' human rights performance / Nils Rosemann. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2005. - 39 S. = 475 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 20 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2005 ; Bonn : FES Library, 2007
ISBN 3-89892-385-1
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The global governance of foreign direct investment : madly off in all directions / Luke Eric Peterson. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2005. - 27 S. : graph. Darst. = 407 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 19 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2005
ISBN 3-89892-375-4
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Governance reform of the Bretton Woods institutions and the UN development system / Dirk Messner ... Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. - Berlin [u.a.], 2005. - 55 S. = 867 PB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 18 : Occasional papers - Washington)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2005
ISBN 3-89892-365-7
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Engendering policy coherence for development : gender issues for the global policy agenda in the year 2005 / Maria Floro and Hella Hoppe. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005. - 43 S.. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 17 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2005
ISBN 3-89892-337-1
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Social standards in bilateral and regional trade and investment agreements : instruments, enforcement, and policy options for trade unions / Thomas Greven. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005. - 55 S. = 2634 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 16 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2005
ISBN 3-89892-349-5
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations : an issues paper / Gert Rosenthal. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005. - 51 S. = 930 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 15 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2005
ISBN 3-89892-345-2
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Overcoming the Security Council reform impasse : the implausible versus the plausible / Thomas G. Weiss. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005. - 47 S. : graph. Darst. = 694 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 14 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2005
ISBN 3-89892-343-6
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
What makes a round a "development round" : the Doha mandate and the WTO trade negotiations / Federico Alberto Cuello Camilo. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005. - 23 S. = 670 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 13 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Genf : FES, 2005
ISBN 3-89892-336-3
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Odious debts - odious creditors? : International claims on Iraq / Jürgen Kaiser ; Antje Queck. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2004. - 25 S. = 820 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 12 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The International Labour Organization : can it deliver the social dimension of globalization? / Katherine A. Hagen. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2003. - 43 S. = 770 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 11 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The future of multilateralism after Monterrey and Johannesburg / Jens Martens. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2003. - 51 S. = 830 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 10 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The future of multilateralism after Monterrey and Johannesburg : executive summary / Jens Martens. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2003. - 35 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 10 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003. - Title only available online
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Policy dialogue between the International Labour Organization and the international finacial institutions : the search for convergence / Katherine A. Hagen. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2003. - 39 S. = 730 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 9 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Genf : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Privatisation of water supply / Eric Teo Chu Cheow. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2003. - 23 S. = 612 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 8 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The Doha development round, gender and social reproduction / Brigitte Young ; Hella Hoppe. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2003. - 35 S. = 620 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 7 : Occasional papers - Berlin)
Literaturverz. S. 30 - 34 - Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Negotiations on trade in services : the position of the trade unions on GATS / Eva Hartmann ; Christoph Scherrer. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2003. - 39 S. = 660 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 6 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The Uruguay round agreement on agriculture and its renegotiation / Sophia Murphy. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2003. - 35 S. = 650 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 5 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
The general agreement on trade in services (GATS) : a background note / Michaela Eglin. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2003. - 31 S. = 640 20040609/16:53:10. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 4 : Occasional papers - Geneva)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Money laundering and tax havens : the hidden billions for development ; report of a conference organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, July 8 - 9, 2002, New York. - Berlin [u.a.], 2003. - 27 S. : graph. Darst. = 2670 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 3 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003.
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
Deuda externa : nuevas crisis, nuevas soluciones? / Pedro Morazán. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2003. - 63 S. : graph. Darst. = 3750 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 2 : Occasional papers - Buenos Aires)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2002
Die Publikation im PDF-Format
New steps to faster and broader debt relief for developing countries / [written by Jürgen Kaiser and Frank Schröder]. - Berlin [u.a.], 2002. - 23 S. = 2162 KB, PDF-File. - ( Dialogue on globalization ; 1 : Occasional papers - New York)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2002
Die Publikation im PDF-Format